If your not sure what Skoy Cloths are visit the website for some more information, and please check back my blog this week for the review and wait for it.......wait for it...THE GIVEAWAY. Yep that is right my amazing contact at Skoy will be sending out a four pack to one VERY lucky winner. I can already tell this is a product that I am going to be Obsessed with . And those that have been following me for years know how I get when I am obsessed with a product. You guys also know that I can ALMOST always tell if I am going to like a product before I use it or not. This I am telling you ladies is ONE OF THEM.
So if your into cleaning products like I am , and into being GREEN like I have become since having the baby, and your into saving your money ( WHICH YOU KNOW I AM ) Then Skoy just might be right for you. Make sure you come back this week so I can tell you how to actually eliminate PAPER TOWELS FOR GOOD. Yes you heard me right,eliminate paper towels. How you may ask? Come back in the next few days and I will tell you exactly how along with my experience ( as well as my mothers, who begged me to TRY one out, How Could I say no ???? )And Don't forget to tell your friends, you do NOT want to miss out on the chance to win the 4 pack. Hope your all enjoying the first day of summer. Get ready for some Summer Cleaning the Green way! I am going to show you exactly how. XO Ladies * Drea*
Tell me these things aren't pretty? Seriously. You should see the rags I have been using ( old burp cloths from the baby, which I have a feeling will be headed to the trash after tomorrow LoL)